Thursday, June 3, 2010

Is South Carolina The Friskiest State?

It's sure beginning to look that way. Another political consultant has come forward to say that he had sex with Nikki Haley, and again she's denying it. So what's really going on down there? Who knows? She's been consistent in her denials of any kind of infidelity in her marriage and frankly, I want to believe her. But that begs the question: Why would two men, both of whom are married, by the way, both come forward and announce that they had been fooling around with a woman they're not married to? The easy answer is that it's political dirty tricks, intended to derail Haley's candidacy for governor, and that could be the case, but they're also potentially derailing their own marriages, not to mention their professional credibility.

The S.C. primary is this Tuesday and you bet I'll be watching to see what happens.

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