Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Ghana Crushes the American Dream"

I lifted the title of this post from's article about the U.S. team's loss to Ghana in the World Cup and I find myself wondering - why isn't soccer a bigger deal here? It's a big deal right now, sort of, because of World Cup coverage, but I'm talking about the rest of the time. How come soccer isn't as popular in this country, year in and year out, as it is in the rest of the world? This will be a short post because not only do I not know the answer, I don't have any well thought-out musings on the subject. I don't even have any snarky "isn't this lame?" comments on the subject, because like most of my fellow Americans, I just don't care that much about soccer.

If I learn anything interesting about it, between now and, you know, whenever, I'll let you know.

Monday morning update: Time attempts to explain it.

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