Thursday, July 23, 2020

AJ Doesn't Like Donald Anymore And Jason Miller Is Still Slime

AJ's taste in men has improved over the course of Donald's presidency. I'm not talking about Jason, she still hates him with the fury of God's own thunder (Hi, Aaron) and with good reason. But she's seen the light where Donald is concerned and is now supporting Joe Biden. As shown in the tweets below, Jason is still a deadbeat dad, and she said a few days ago that he hasn't seen his son in several months. Unbelievable.

Click here to read the Vanity Fair article she's referring to below. 

Click on the "AJ Episodes" label below to read previous posts about 
this situation. As you read them, be aware that over the last few years
AJ has occasionally deleted her Twitter account. Right now, she's back 
online and her tweets look like tweets again.  

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