Friday, December 20, 2019

This Day In History, 1991: Mario Cuomo Doesn't Run

I like counterfactual history, so how about this? What if then-New York governor Mario Cuomo had run for president in 1992? Steve Kornacki ponders the possibilities:

Back in February, 2014, I wrote a post in which I considered the possibility that if Hillary Clinton didn't run in 2016, current NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, son of Mario, might. I wondered if a man with what I called a messy personal life could get elected president. What was so messy about Andrew's personal life? Consider: 

He's the son of former governor Mario Cuomo and the brother of CNN anchor/reporter Chris Cuomo, but that's not the most interesting part.

He lives with but isn't married to Food Network chef Sandra Lee, but even that's not the most interesting part.

The most interesting part, the deliciously spicy part is this: his ex-wife is a Kennedy. From 1990 to 2005 Andrew Cuomo was married to Kerry Kennedy, daughter of RFK and Ethel, niece of JFK and Teddy, cousin of the new U.S. ambassador to Japan and Maria Shriver, etc. Their marriage was a dynastic merger of the highest order and their subsequent divorce was messy and public.

So does it matter, in 2016? A divorced candidate isn't that big of a deal, but a divorce that's tied to the whole Kennedy drama? Kennedys are both competitive and tribal, and I've read that they're not particularly kind to former in-laws. Can you imagine a former Kennedy in-law in the White House? In fact, there would be actual Kennedys in the White House because Andrew and Kerry have three daughters together and the girls are just as much Kennedys as Caroline's and Maria's kids. It would all be mesmerizing to watch and I haven't even mentioned Arnold Schwarzennegger, who's also an (ex) governor and (almost) former Kennedy in-law.
 (Read the entire post here.)

In the pre-Trump era Andrew Cuomo's personal life was a little bit "out there" for a potential president. Now? Not even close. 

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