Thursday, January 28, 2016

Obviously A Major Malfunction...

Image result for space shuttle challenger

When the space shuttle Challenger exploded 30 years ago it seemed like the worst thing that could possibly happen to our country. Little did we know. 9/11 was still 15 years in the future. The Gulf wars, Columbine, mass shootings in schools, theaters and churches, the Oklahoma City bombing, Hurricane Katrina... In January, 1986, we were blissfully ignorant of how bad things could be. The country came together to mourn the loss of seven brave astronauts, including one civilian, a teacher, as well as the black eye to our national pride.

Image result for space shuttle challenger

There's lots that could be said about the folly that led to the disaster but it's all mostly been said. I'll simply say that I remember that day well, it was a sad day for all Americans and it's hard to believe that 30 years have gone by.

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