Sunday, January 3, 2016

A New List

Chris Cillizza, at the Washington Post, is out with a new list, ranking who is most likely to be the GOP nominee for president: 

  1. Ted Cruz
  2. Marco Rubio
  3. Donald Trump
  4. Chris Christie
  5. Jeb Bush
  6. John Kasich
  7. Ben Carson/Mike Huckabee/Rick Santorum
It's quite a change, isn't it? Ted Cruz? Really? Yikes. Here's how Cillizza reads the tea leaves: 

The senator from Texas has been underestimated and underrated at every step of the primary process. No longer. Cruz is solidly in first place in Iowa and, barring some sort of unforeseen collapse, will win the first-in-the-nation caucuses. He also should run well in South Carolina on Feb. 20 and in the “SEC primary” on March 1. Cruz, thanks to Donald Trump, is now being seen in some GOP circles as a conservative, non-disastrous alternative to the real estate mogul. And, unlike other conservative insurgents of the past, Cruz has the money — in his campaign committee and in a constellation of super PACs backing him — to last for the duration of the race.

Read the article here

How long until voters cast the first actual votes? The Iowa caucuses are 4 weeks from tomorrow. 

Days until Election Day: 309 

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