Saturday, February 21, 2009

Do You KenKen?

I've just discovered a new numbers puzzle called KenKen, which is a numerical logic puzzle from Japan. It's kind of like sudoku, in that it has a grid of blank boxes to be filled in with numbers, but you have to do actual arithmetic to solve it. According to the New York Times, the name loosely means "cleverness squared." I'm all in favor of cleverness, so I went to the KenKen website and printed out one of the easier-looking puzzle grids.

For some reason I've never gotten into sudoku, but I like the idea of something fun that will challenge my brain, so I'm off to do my first KenKen puzzle and I'll let you know how it goes.

And in case you're wondering, yes, it snowed here last night but I'm not snowed in. The snowplows have already been out and it's just another wintry day in Chicagoland.

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