Saturday, August 29, 2020

#TrumpIsNotWell - Updated

Donald slipped a little last night, causing #TrumpIsNotWell to once again be trending on Twitter. Here's the video:

And someone captured an unpleasant screenshot:


I'll add to this post as I see other examples.

Update on September 1: Donald continues to sound like someone who is losing his marbles and I'm seeing more talk about his (assumed but not definitively known) impairment:

Here's how Talking Points Memo is reporting the story, reported by Nicole Lafond:

Title: Why Is Trump Tweeting About Mini-Strokes?

My roommate just asked me this question. There’s not a solid answer, but it’s related to news out of New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt’s forthcoming book, which was obtained by CNN.

According to the book, Vice President Mike Pence was reportedly put on standby to possibly temporarily assume presidential powers while Trump made an abrupt visit to Walter Reed late last year. There have been conflicting reports about the visit, and hospital officials alerted staff via a mass-memo about Trump visit, an indication it was not a routine check-up as the White House claimed.

From Schmidt’s book:

Word went out in the West Wing for the vice president to be on standby to take over the powers of the presidency temporarily if Trump had to undergo a procedure that would have required him to be anesthetized.

Trump responded Tuesday morning:

Why Trump is specifically denying having a stroke is not entirely clear. Twitter responded to President Trump’s tweets with many a “he doth protest too much” memes. But Trump may be pulling the accusation from this report: CNN contributor Joe Lockhart apparently at one time floated the theory that Trump might have had a secret stroke and was trying to hide it from the American people.

It’s convoluted and I’m sure we’ll learn more when Schmidt’s book is out.

Donald's White House doctor apparently felt compelled to weigh in. I'd take what he says with a grain of salt: 

Update #2 on Wednesday afternoon. Donald is sounding more and more out-of-it:

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