Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic Tidbits

I heard my first national anthem today and it wasn't the Star Spangled Banner. I actually enjoy the medal ceremonies. It's fun to see the winners and the flags, I especially like hearing the national anthems of the various countries. Some I recognize, like O Canada, La Marseillaise and of course, God Save The Queen, others are pretty obscure, but it's always a nice moment when the flags go up and the winning athlete hears the song representing his or her country.  NBC ended their daytime coverage with one of the first medal ceremonies, and although I didn't hear what the sport was or the name of the winner, it was still fun to see.  Which country's anthem was it?  Kazakhstan. 

I also saw one of the heats in rowing, with eight men in a boat and a coxswain. I've always thought rowing, or "crew," was cool and wished I could try it.  Not a sport for wimps, obviously and not as easy as it looks when they're gliding through the water. Those guys are tough, and really, really fit.  Strange as it sounds, my biggest exposure to world-class rowing comes from watching The Social Network, featuring the Winklevoss twins, or as Aaron Sorkin memorably put it, "the Winklevi."

Still no sign of Rafalca.

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