Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thinking about Speidi?

Actually for the past few days I haven't been thinking about Speidi, and I'll bet not too many other people have been either. Whatever else you think about the over-the-top media coverage of Michael Jackson, Sarah Palin, and the Ensign/Sanford political sex scandals, it's had the effect of knocking Speidi off the tabloid radar screen. As Martha Stewart would say, that's a good thing.

And speaking of people whose 15 minutes of fame appear to be over, I wonder what Nadya Suleman is up to these days. Ah, fame - such a fickle lover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nadya Suleman's home recently erupted in bedlam when one of the older children chased his grandmother around the house with a steak knife - according to the National Enquirer and Perez Hilton anyway! Wait until those kids are old enough to aim a gun!