Monday, January 30, 2017

What It Looks Like/Let Them Eat Cake

Wednesday morning update: I could spend a good chunk of every day cutting and pasting funny, scary and/or outrageous tweets about the POTUS. (Note that although I'm using "president trump" as a tag, I find that I can't bring myself to type "President Trump" in my actual posts. So it'll be POTUS or "the president" from here on out.)

Anyway, I am sharing this tweet because I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one who is snarking about the 'do.

Original post:

Confession: I debated whether or not to post this picture. It's not very dignified for a president and I worried, for a moment, if I was possibly enjoying it a bit too much. My focus is on the hairdo, as I'm always amused when The Donald's Carefully Constructed Coiffure goes astray. Some meanies on Twitter wondered if the president was wearing elevator shoes; others decided that yes, that suit does make his butt look fat. So much fun.

Still, it's just a picture of a man walking up the steps to a helicopter. If the engines are running and the rotors are turning, kicking up wind and messing with his "look," well, what's a POTUS to do? He's got to get into the helicopter. (As I've pointed out on here before, Trump usually wears his red cap to prevent this kind of "blowing in the wind" hairdo moment, but presumably he felt that wouldn't be appropriate for his first presidential trip.)

Previous presidents have had to go out in the wind too, of course, and I don't recall seeing this kind of picture of any of them. Based on what I found on Google Images, President Obama occasionally struggled with his tie:

Image result for Obama wind

and George W. Bush struggled with an umbrella:

Image result for George W Bush wind

but neither of them was at risk of this kind of hairdo malfunction, and if there are any unflattering pictures of Obama or Bush taken from behind, they didn't show up on Google Images.

So what is it with the 45th president? Specifically, why does he look like that? In some areas of his life, he's very conscious of appearances. The women in his life are expected to maintain the appearance of a "hot piece of ass." It's been reported that more than one potential cabinet secretary or senior staff member was passed over because they didn't look the part. He's known to complain if news coverage features a picture of him that he considers unflattering. (No word so far of what he thinks about this one.) All indications that he does care about what things look like.

Except, that is, for himself. His hair, at his current age of 70, is obviously, blindingly, what-is-he-thinking not natural. It looks that way on purpose. Whatever it is that he's had done to it, he clearly believes that this long, blonde combover/dye job is more flattering than whatever he would look like if he let his 70-year-old hair do its own thing. And compared to the pristine, immaculate stylishness of Melania and Ivanka, Donald is frequently a sloppy sartorial disaster. Never fear, however, because help is on the way. In despair over Trump's "comically large red tie," his "JNCO-capacity baggy pants" and of course, his "unbearably bad haircut," the editors at GQ have given POTUS a makeover. Check it out here.

Finally, the two women closest to the president each had "Let them eat cake" moments recently. Melania is pictured on the cover of the Mexican edition of Vanity Fair, dressed and posed in a way most Americans, much less most Mexican readers, probably can't relate to.

Melania Trump, on the front cover of Vanity Fair Mexico

Then at about 11.00 p.m. Saturday night, as the country was in chaos after her father's horrifying immigration ban, first daughter Ivanka felt it was important to show the country how she was spending the evening:

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