Monday, July 14, 2014

The Day After

After the World Cup, that is. I did watch most of the game, and I don't want to be disrespectful about something that's so important to the rest of the world, but part of me just wants to say, Really? That's what all the fuss is about? 90 minutes of regulation play and the score is zero to zero? Germany finally scored in the "extra time" period and went out in something less than a blaze of glory, definitively beating the Argentines by a whopping 1 to zip.

I get that I don't get it.

Four years ago, during the 2010 World Cup, I wondered why soccer isn't as big here in the States as it is in the rest of the world, then confessed that I didn't have any well thought-out musings on the subject. It's still true, and unless something truly fascinating happens in soccer-world, I'll meet you back here in 2018 for another "Americans just aren't into soccer" post.

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