Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To Watch, Or Not To Watch...

... that is definitely the question. If you haven't heard, there's a new two-hour special on Fox tonight, starring none other than Octomom!!

In a previous post about rumors that Nadya was getting a reality show, I said that I would probably watch, but I might not admit it. In the interest of full disclosure, I am thinking that I will at least check it out tonight, in the spirit of "how horrifyingly bad will this train wreck be?" curiosity. In fact, I really am interested to see what the eight babies look like now, at about six or seven months old, and in particular whether or not they're all healthy. But that's about 90 seconds worth of material, and I can hardly bear to think about what kind of inane absurdities might be used to fill up the rest of a two-hour show. Maybe I'll tape it, which gives me the option of skipping over the really icky parts.

Believe me, I'm aware of my own hypocrisy concerning this whole subject. I'm having so much fun being all snarky and snotty about Nadya's show, even as I sheepishly admit that no way I'm going to miss watching at least part of it. If 10 million other viewers feel the same way, Nadya gets the last laugh and a new reality star is born. Tune in tonight, 7:00 p.m. central time on Fox, and let's see what happens.

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