Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hot As Hell & Sweet And Classic As A Bottle Of Coke

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The title of this post is from Ashley I's blog and she's referring to Prince Farming, of course, as part of an interesting look back at her time on The Bach: 

All jokes aside, my Bachelor experience may have ended in tears (I mean, how else?), but it was amazing. (Dollar in “amazing jar.”) Does this qualify my Bachelor story as “tragic, but amazing”? I made best friends and went on “amazing adventures.” Let’s be real, if it weren’t for Chris Soules, I would have probably died never having driven a tractor, rafted down the Rio Grande, or camped. (I especially would have never camped.) The dude is hot as hell and sweet and classic as a bottle of Coke. I was so into him, I basically devoured him at any chance. However charming Prince Farming is, he turned out not to be my Aladdin.

Read the entire post here

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