Friday, February 13, 2015

Fifty Shades Of Blogging

No, I'm not talking about the new movie, I'm just having a little fun with the title of this post. Actually I'm celebrating six years of blogging. It was February 14, 2009 when I created this blog by writing my first post, and six years later I still love my little blog. Here's that first post:

Okay, here goes. I've been thinking about blogging for quite a while, and today I'm actually going to start doing it. As I begin, I've been pondering what kind of blog I want to create - should I be completely anonymous, with deeply personal musings that I wouldn't want anyone who actually knows me to read? Or should I write it with a specific audience in mind, more like a personal conversation? I've decided to stick with writing for an audience that knows me. If I ever want to go into private stream-of-consciousness mode and write things I wouldn't want my grandmother to read, I'll start another blog (and never tell any of you about it.)

For a while this blog will definitely be a "work in progress," as I learn all the tools and tricks of blogging, but hang in there with me. This is going to be fun!

At times I've been a little on again/off again about blogging, for a variety of reasons, but as long as there are Kardashians in the world, as long as there are Bachelors and Bachelorettes, as long as there are royals and politicians, the Olympics and Sarah Palin, I'll always make my way back to the blog.

Here's to the next six years!

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