Friday, February 13, 2015

Do We Know Who's Running in 2016?

Friday afternoon update: Here's the new list from The Fix: 

 1. Jeb Bush 
 2. Scott Walker
 3. Marco Rubio
 4. Rand Paul
 5. Chris Christie
 6. Tie: Ted Cruz and John Kasich
 8. Bobby Jindal
 9. Mike Huckabee
10. Mike Pence

Read the story here

Original Post: 
The list ebbs and flows. Chris Cillizza at The Fix will have a new list out later today; here's what Jonathan Bernstein wrote yesterday afternoon: 

I don’t think [Ohio governor John] Kasich is a leading candidate; I still have Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio (in some order) as my top tier of strong contenders. But each of the three has significant vulnerabilities, and they are all untested at this level.

After that, I can’t see anyone standing out as significantly stronger than Kasich, at least so far. Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana hasn't gained traction yet. Rick Perry (who, remember, is still under indictment) may never recover from his 2012 run.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence looks great on paper, but has lately come to share some of Kasich’s weaknesses, and, notwithstanding today’s George Will column, appears to be less committed to a presidential race than his Ohio neighbor.

Mike Huckabee still hasn’t shown he can raise money and may have the active opposition of everyone besides Christian conservatives. Rick Santorum is probably nothing more than a cut-rate Huck.

Chris Christie? As David Letterman would say, I wouldn’t give his troubles to a monkey on a rock.

That’s it for the viable candidates.

Read Bernstein's entire post here

Days until Election Day: 633

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