Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Politics Is Fun

First there was this:

Chris Christie shares his joy at a big Cowboys play. He's taken some heat for it, partly because there are three teams a lot closer to home that he could be rooting for, partly because he and his family flew to Dallas on a private jet and sat in the owner's box, a very expensive trip courtesy of Jerry Jones, who has business interests with New Jersey, and partly just because he looks pretty goofy.

The Cowboys won their game and will play the Packers in Green Bay this week-end.

Now there's this, from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, like Christie a potential candidate for president. Walker sent this pic out with a tweet saying "This is the type of owner I'll be looking to hug after a win on Sunday."

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The Fix blog at WaPo explains why this is not just fun between governors.

The ball's in your court, governor Christie. Is there anything you'd like to say to governor Walker?

Thursday afternoon update: Christie responds.

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