Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mike Huckabee???

Mike Huckabee announced yesterday that he is leaving Fox News to ponder running for president in 2016. To me he appears to be a long shot, but still, both Jonathan Bernstein and Chris Cillizza/Aaron Blake have him on their recent lists of potential candidates. Here's my updated list of potential candidates, and note that I've re-labeled my category of candidates who've made some kind of move towards running without actually stating that they're running.

Possible Republican Candidates
Sam Brownback
Dr. Ben Carson
Chris Christie
Ted Cruz
Bobby Jindall
John Kasich
Rand Paul
Mike Pence
Rick Perry
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Paul Ryan
Rick Santorum
Rick Snyder
Scott Walker

Late Adds on December 22
Carly Fiorina
Lindsey Graham
George Pataki

Winking and Thinking About Running
Jeb Bush
Mike Huckabee

Officially Not Running
Rob Portman

Days to election day: 673

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